
utorak, 18. listopada 2016.


SFI as a global business opportunity is open to any person regardless of their education, current skills, or financial condition.  

It's the life business opportunity, with huge potential to positively affect the lives of people. 

SFI will keep you informed and learn about the products and services you until now were totally unknown, all with the aim to improve your life. 

If you are interested join me and start growing a second incom today on:  

srijeda, 5. listopada 2016.

What others are saying about SFI

"The simplicity of the SFI system has helped me to develop a six- figure income coming right out of college. With its great team leaders on your side and simple automation, you can build a successful home-based business in no time at all!" C. Fuchs

"This is the best money-making opportunity I've seen, bar none. I have been involved in the network marketing and direct-sales business for 25 years, but none can compete with SFI." D. Scruggs

"Being new, I joined several programs. Having retired, I had the time to devote to each. The ONLY one that produced a commission in the first month was SFI. The ONLY one that gave me daily reports was SFI. The ONLY one I kept was SFI. Now I'll devote my energy to SFI." H. Schmidhofer

"I have been in several network marketing companies, but never have I seen a system this impressive that does so much so quickly!" P. Dunaway

"I have been involved in network marketing for over 20 years. I have never seen anything like SFI. If I had only known about SFI beforehand, I would have not wasted my time. Now, I am spreading the word to the whole world that there is nothing anywhere that can come close to SFI. " R. Belmonte

"Bravo, SFI! I'm a success-conscious Nigerian who is now an instant leader and on my way to financial independence after embracing SFI marketing and its residual-income earning program. SFI possesses awesome, well-organized, and managed structure that produces the best ever imagined fortune for a committed affiliate in record time. " K. Sarumi

"After three and a half years online I have found the most professional and best-run opportunity with SFI. The teamwork and support are the best around. My future is now in my hands--and it looks good!" J. Chessher

"The SFI program works! I cannot recommend any other affiliate program more strongly." P. Bates

"SFI is truly different from all other Internet money-making opportunities out there. SFI's products and customer service are unmatched. After just five months with SFI, I am well on my way to quitting my day job. Thank-you SFI for changing my life!" K. Johnston

"I am very fortunate in finding a company like SFI to get myself on the road to financial freedom. There are so many [opportunities] out there claiming the same and delivering nothing but disappointments. SFI is very easy and I do not have to invest a lot of my hard-earned money or take time away from my family. I love the idea of doing all of my business on the Internet." B. Huser

"Thank you for this amazing program. Within a weekend, my team increased with 50 new people joining. Every time I logged on there was a new affiliate. Absolutely amazing. " S. Horvath

"Before I became an SFI affiliate, I investigated several Internet opportunities. SFI is the only one I found to be completely honest and credible. Thank you SFI!" G. Ferguson

"The SFI program really has changed our lives. I'm looking forward to my early retirement in the new millennium." W. Davis-Dill

"SFI is one the most outstanding affiliate programs on the Internet." M. Caskey

"I have had good experience with various online companies, but SFI is far better, with good products. I love SFI. I have already received two checks and am waiting for the third one to arrive. I highly recommend that everyone joins SFI for financial and time freedom. Thanks SFI!" S. AzeemAhmed

Not an SFI Affiliate yet?
Join FREE here:

subota, 25. lipnja 2016.

FREE Internet Income Course

Hi, my name is Zeljko, and I've been an SFI affiliate for over a 2 year.

My #1 job in SFI is helping the affiliates that I sponsor become successful. 
I will out work you in building YOUR 2ND INCOM!

ponedjeljak, 13. lipnja 2016.

Free Internet Business Corses

You must be a SFI Marketing Group affiliate in order to access the Internet Income Course. Sign up HERE for free!

After signing up and confirming your email address, go HERE.

nedjelja, 17. travnja 2016.

Three ways YOU can share in our growth

1. SFI-powered (now featuring more than 80,000 products—from over 160 countries worldwide) is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce Websites in the world. Every month, we put a whopping 40% of the Commission Volume of EVERY order—companywide—into a pool of tens of thousands of dollars for our affiliates to share in! We call it the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Just become an Executive Affiliate (EA) with 1,500 VP, and you'll immediately qualify for shares of the pool. Earn one share of the pool for each VersaPoint you score for the month!
2. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and you'll immediately earn two Co-Sponsored Affiliates (from the "Pending" enrollments below) and then two more each month you retain your EA rank. As an affiliate's Co-Sponsor, you'll earn 15% CV commissions on all their purchases every month! But don't stop there! Every month, thousands of Co-Sponsored Affiliates are forfeited and need a NEW co-sponsor. Become a Team Leader and a share of all of these forfeited Co-Sponsored Affiliates will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor! You'll receive one share as a Bronze Team Leader, two shares as a Silver Team Leader, three shares as a Gold Team Leader, or four shares as a Platinum Team Leader. Learn more here.
3. Every day, SFI's international advertising network generates HUNDREDS of new SFI affiliate sign-ups. Put a share of these brand new, business-boosting affiliates on YOUR team for as little as $.72 a day with PSAs To Go and S-Builder Co-op.

subota, 26. ožujka 2016.



  • Vodimo vas globalno! Do milijuna potencijalnih kupaca diljem svijeta na - jedne od međunarodno najbrže rastuće komercijalne stranice na svijetu!
  • Stavljamo vam na raspolaganje naše marketinške snage: više od 1 miliona naših članova raditi će za vas! Oni će reklamirati i prodavati vaše proizvode i usluge u preko 20 000 gradova i preko 200 zemalja!
  • Ne postoje nikakve naknade niti rizici! Jednostavno, upišite se, dostavite podatke o svojim proizvodima i uslugama i započnite preuzimati narudžbe!
  • TripleClicks će dodatno olakšati rast vaše prodaje tako da vam daje vlastitu prilagođenu "TConnect" web stranicu, različite mogućnosti plaćanja za vaše kupce, liste želja, poklon registre i još mnogo toga!


ponedjeljak, 22. veljače 2016.

Identity theft occures every 3 seconds: Don't be next!

Identity theft occures every 3 seconds: Don't be next! are six types of Identity Theft:

• New Account Fraud
• Account Takeover Fraud
• Criminal Identity Theft
• Medical Identity Theft
• Identity Cloning
• Commercial Identity Theft

Don't wait till it's too late! Find out more:

utorak, 16. veljače 2016.

SFI by the numberes

16th successful year for SFI 
(29th for SFI's parent company)
1.6 million affiliates (36,979 new added last week)
3 million TripleClicks members
94,567+ commissionable products (849 new added last week)
6,605 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 168 countries)
163 LocalPay Merchants (in 38 countries)

3,138 -'s global popularity rank (source:

Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)